вівторок, 25 жовтня 2016 р.

Конспект уроку "The Story of a Book. Future Simple Passive". 8 клас
Тема уроку: The Story of a Book. Future Simple Passive
Цілі уроку:
·        практичні: ознайомити з новою граматичною структурою Future Simple Passive Voice та з основними випадками вживання; навчити учнів утворювати питальну та заперечну форми у Future Simple Passive Voice; удосконалювати навички вживання дієслів у пасивному стані; повторити вивчений граматичний матеріал: Future Simple Active, Passive Voice, три форми неправильних дієслів; вдосконалювати навички читання, мовлення та письма учнів, тренувати навички діалогічного мовлення; ввести нові лексичні одиниці та активізувати їх вживання у мові учнів;
·        освітні: поглибити знання учнів про книги та їхнє значення для розвитку світогляду людини;
·        розвивальні: розвивати пам’ять, увагу та творчу уяву учнів; сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення та розвитку комунікативних навичок;
·        виховні: виховувати почуття мови; прищеплювати любов до книжок.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Форми роботи: фронтальне опитування, групові та парні(складання діалогів).
Обладнання: підручник для 8 класу А.Несвіт, персональний комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор, екран, презентація Microsoft Power Point, роздавальний матеріал.

                                   ХІД УРОКУ
1. Організаційний момент. Привітання.
T. Good morning, children! Sit down, please. I’m glad to meet you at our lesson. Today we are having an unusual lesson, we are having guests. I hope everything will be fine. Be more active and don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T. The topic of today’s lesson is “The Story of a Book. Future Simple Passive Voice.” Today you will revise the Future Simple Active and the Passive Voice, learn and practice grammar structures with the Future Simple Passive Voice, learn new words and improve your reading and speaking skills. We also continue to speak about books, writers and the role of books in our life. (Слайд 1,2).
3. Мовленнєва зарядка. Робота над римуванням для підвищення особистісної самооцінки учнів.
T. Let’s practice the chant to build up your self-esteem. (Слайд 3).
I’m a clever student.
I’m a fantastic student.
I’m a brilliant student.
I’m the best student in the world.
T. I think now you are sure in your efforts and we can start our work.

1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
T. Your home task for today was to fill in the sentences with the given prepositions. (Слайд 4).
Fill in the following sentences with the given prepositions: on, by, in, up, with, from, of, to.
1. I borrowed this book __ the library.
2. I read it __ a book.
3. You’ll have to look __ the meaning __ a dictionary.
4. “Hamlet” is a tragedy __ Shakespeare.
5. Books are wonderful source __ knowledge.
6. I’d like to relax __ a good book for the rest of the day.
7. I believe that reference books should be __ every home.
8. Nowadays books are sold __ large numbers.
2. Motivation.
T.Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! They teach us and open their hearts to us as brothers,” wrote Charles Kingsley, an English writer of the 19th century. It is a friend and a teacher. We learn many things by reading books. It is impossible to become an educated person without books. They play an important role in our lives and give us a lot of useful information. The book is certainly one of the greatest human inventions. Today we are going to read a text about how a book is made. (Слайд 5).
3. Reading. Пред’явлення тексту для читання «The Story of a Book».
·        Pre-reading activity.  Presenting new vocabulary.
Ознайомлення учнів з новими лексичними одиницями. (Слайд 6).
T. Before reading the text I would like to present you the new vocabulary.
A woodcutter – лісоруб;
A paper mill – картонно-паперова фабрика;
Remove – видаляти;
Pulp – м’яка безформна маса;
Roll out – розгортати, розкачувати;
Chop up – рубати, зрубувати;
Ink – чорнило.
·        While-reading activity. Читання тексту ланцюжком.
·        Post-reading activity. (Слайд 7,8,9,10,11).
T. You are divided into 5 groups. You’ll have 5minutes to fulfill the tasks.

Group 1. Read the sentences and order them according to the text.
_A. The bark will be removed from the logs and then they will be chopped up very small.
_B. It is very difficult to write a good book.
_C. A painter will help you to see heroes and places in your book.
_D. The endless paper sheet comes off the machine and is wound into a large roll.
_E. Machines help people to cut the trees and peel away the branches.
Group 2. Mark the sentences true or false.
1. The woodcutters will start the work without any help. (F)
2. Firstly, the bark will be removed from the logs. (T)
3. Paper is enough to make a book. (F)
4. A writer will help you to see the main characters. (F)
5. New books will lie in the storehouse. (T)
Group 3. Answer the questions.
1. When will the woodcutters start their work?
2. What does a paper mill consist of?
3. Is it difficult to write a book? Why?
4. What will the last machine do?
5. Did the girl like her mother’s story?
Group 4. Match the word combinations.
1. any paper mill              a. characters and places
2. a big clean sheet           b. peel away the branches
3. to carry the books         c. for writing
4. to cut trees and             d. to the libraries and bookshops
5. to see the main             e. of paper
6. to have a talent             f. consists of
Group 5. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1. It was interesting that ….
2. I can hardly believe that ….
3. We can get a piece of information about ….
4. I would like to know more about ….

4. Grammar. Пред’явлення нового граматичного матеріалу “Future Simple Passive Voice”.
T. To begin with let’s refresh your knowledge about the Future Simple Tense and the Passive Voice. (Слайд 12,13).
·        How do we form the Future Simple Tense?
·        When do we use the auxiliary word shall and will?
·        When do we use the Future Simple Tense?
·        How do we form the Passive Voice?
·        When do we use it?
·        What is Participle II?
T. Now you can tell how the Future Simple Passive is formed. (Слайд 14,15). The Future Simple Passive is formed with the help of auxiliary verbs will/shall be and Participle II. When we form the Future Simple Passive negative we use the particle not after the auxiliary verbs shall/will. When we form questions in the Future Simple Passive we put the auxiliary verbs shall/will before the subject.

will(shall) be

will(shall) not be

will be
will not be



be visited?
be built?
Yes, I /we will (shall).
No, I/we will (shall) not.
Yes, you/they/he/she/it will.
No, you/they/he/she/it will not.

The book will be read tomorrow.
The book will not be read tomorrow.
Will the book be read tomorrow?
Yes, it will. / No, it will not.
5. Practicing grammar.
·        Look through the text of exercise 3 p.67. Find and write down the sentences in the Future Simple Passive Voice. Divide into two groups according to the colour of your handouts. The 1st group – transform these sentences into the negative form. The 2nd group – transform these sentences into the interrogative form.
·        Complete the table – fill in the missing forms of the irregular verbs.
(Слайд 16,17).









1. The film about Tom Sawyer ____ on TV tonight.
2. The new library ___ in the city centre.
3. The writer ___ at the airport tomorrow.
4. An interesting fairy tale ___ in the evening.
5. This book ___ next week.
6. The last issue of the magazine ____ in three days.
6. Speaking. Scrambled dialogues.
a) Of course, I am.
b) I like to read adventure books.
c) What kind of books do you like to read?
d) Are you fond of reading?
Dialogue 2.
a) I prefer to read adventure stories and novels.
b) Do you enjoy reading?
c) What kind of books do you like to read?
d) Of course, I do.
Dialogue 3.
a) When do you read?
b) What do you read?
c) I like reading true stories.
d) I read when I want to relax.

Dialogue 4.
a) When do you read books?
b) I read magazines, but I don’t read books.
c) What do you read?
d) I read when my teachers say I have to.
1. Підведення підсумків уроку.
T. So, let’s sum up our work. What have we done during the lesson? We have read a text about books, revised some grammar material, got acquainted with new grammar material “The Future Simple Passive” and practiced it. We have also improved our reading, writing and speaking skills and learnt some new words.
2. Домашнє завдання.
T. Your home task for the next lesson is exercise 8 p.69 – to put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple Passive Voice. (Слайд 20).
3. Виставлення оцінок.
T. You have worked well today and you’ll get the proper marks. The best students today were …. and they get excellent marks. All others get good ones. We’ll discuss your marks in details during the next lesson. Thank you for the lesson, it was nice to work with you today. Our lesson is over. Good bye. (Слайд 21 ).

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